About Us



C CLOCK LIMITED is your global partner in sourcing electronic components. The owner of C CLOCK has been in the sourcing business for over 40 years. We know you need quality parts quickly at a competitive price. And that's exactly what we do. From last-time buys to full-scale supply chain solutions, consider us your go-to resource.

You Need Quality Parts Quickly at a Competitive Price.

around our people and our success is built on their relationships.

Our team genuinely enjoys helping you solve problems and planning for a more profitable future. That's because our business is built around our people and our success is built on their relationships.

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40 years

The owner of C CLOCK has been in the sourcing business for over


When purchasing electronic components for either yourself or your business, it’s important to use a broker to make the process of getting stock easy! Here are some of the advantages of working with C CLOCK (brokers):

C clock limited co., Ltd.


A broker brings their extent of knowledge to you. They take over the time-consuming work of researching multiple plans, and then make the best recommendations for yourself, employees, and/or your company. They are well versed and highly trained in their industry and are aware of trends, impending changes, and competitive threats.


Brokers work with numerous companies that’s why they aren’t tied to one company. They consider multiple plan options and negotiate on your behalf to find the best value for your coverage. Their expertise and existing relationships with various companies give them a broader understanding of the offerings available.



Brokers ask a lot of questions to understand your needs fully. They help you find different options to fit your budget. One of the best advantages of hiring a broker is advising you on how best to customize your BOMs in ways you may not have considered.


You can expect your broker to work hard to get you the best plans available, but you may not know their services can go beyond selling. Once you have chosen your plan or plans, your broker can assist you during your employee enrollment period. After the enrollment period, they are your first resource to contact when you have a payment dispute, billing questions, or need assistance.

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The best brokers stay in touch with you regularly so you’ll be well informed when your renewal period is near. Ideally, the renewal process will start 60 to 90 days before the renewal date with a strategic-planning meeting to set goals for the year.

C clock limited is a full-service independent electronic components brokers based in HK and Branches in ShenZhen and Wuhan, offers an all-encompassing range of options for both individuals and businesses. C clock keeps its promise to assure an efficient and creative approach to the services we offer. Each of our clients experience a personalized and long-term relationship with us. Our shenzhen based team of brokers guides our clients in helping them choose the most cost-effective options. By incorporating our knowledge of the electronic components guidelines for end users, we keep our clients up-to-date with affordable plans that cover all their specific purchase needs.