Seamlessly Overcome Obsolescence Challenges


It can feel like a dead end when your production or service and repair requirements bind you to an obsolete part that is hard – or seemingly impossible – to find. Avoid hasty substitutions or questionable sources by partnering with CCLOCK to build a proactive strategy for uninterrupted sourcing of the parts you need.

How We Help

Work with cclock experts who can track current and obsolete parts

Tap into the largest network of open-market contacts in the world

Access the massive range of components available worldwide

Build the stock you need so your business isn’t stalled

Work with a cclock specialist to identify alternate parts

Seamlessly replace your obsolete components with quality substitutions

Cclock’s obsolescence support helps you strategically plan and buffer for product lifecycle changes.

What We Do

Cclock’s obsolescence support helps you strategically plan and buffer for product lifecycle changes.

Market and Component Expertise

Broad Global Supply

Buffer Stock

Alternative Options

Trustworthy Quality

Rely on cclock to help you build a proactive sourcing solution for obsolete components to make sure that their end of life doesn’t stall your production.

Our client used us to gain better control over sourcing, storage, and logistics practices for EOL/LTB items to ensure product availability and longevity.

The client wanted to address quality concerns by standardizing warehousing and testing procedures and sought to improve the decision-making process regarding product lifecycle challenges.

Count on reliable support at all product stages

CCLOCK can help you manage product lifecycles and proactively plan for changes so that you can easily avoid supply chain disruptions.

How We Help

What we can offer you

Closely track component lifecycles

Closely track component lifecycles

Alert you when product changes or revisions are coming

Arrange volume purchases as components near end-of-life

Source parts for NPI, current production, and aftermarket services

Our trading team receives timely communications from trusted industry resources on the latest product updates.

What We Do

Our trading team receives timely communications from trusted industry resources on the latest product updates. Your dedicated CCLOCK sales representative will notify you in the event of any product changes to help keep your lines running smoothly.

Stay Ahead of EOL Situations

Stay Ahead of EOL Situations

Ensure a steady stock for the future (Proactively plan for unexpected demand increases with readily available stock. Our decades-long supplier connections help us offer you access to even the hardest-to-source components.)

Manage Your Stock with a Flexible Range of Warehousing Options

(From secure hubbing to just-in-time delivery, cclock’s global warehouses have you covered. Your product can be stored long-term at our warehouses and shipped out per a set schedule or immediately shipped to meet demand.)

Reduce Your Inventory Holding Costs

(We offer flexible ownership options to keep your supply chain active. Backed by our substantial financial resources, cclock is able to help you meet your bottom line through customized inventory programs.)

Source obsolete and hard-to-find parts( If the electronic components you need go obsolete, engineering changes can be costly. c'clock specializes in sourcing hard-to-find electronic components at all stages of the product lifecycle.)

Component lifecycles don’t have to define your choices.

Component lifecycles don’t have to define your choices.

It can be a strain when a component goes end-of-life, especially if you have warranty and repair agreements or production relying on it.  But knowing about lifecycle changes before they’re hitting you head-on can make the difference between your operations moving without interruption or being dead in the water.