Supply Chain Solutions


Navigate shortages  with  agile sourcing

clock’s highly trained procurement teams know how to navigate the fluctuating electronic-component market where pockets of tightness are active.


How We Help

Make informed purchasing decisions with market intelligence data

Utilize multichannel sourcing: franchised, direct, and open-market

Benefit from decades-long relationships with leading technology companies

What We Do

Facilitate Excess Opportunities to Help Mitigate Shortage Situations

Often, a shortage situation occurs in the market due to an imbalance of product.    Cclock helps our customers navigate these situations by matching buyers and sellers of electronic components.

Through our years of transactional data and use of customer and industry mapping, we can strategically procure and move excess product around the market to mitigate shortages in supply.

Verify Authenticity of Components with Our State-of-the-Art Systems and Labs rating system.

Once at our operations facilities,clock QC Teams approaches quality assurance – from visual inspection to destructive and nondestructive testing – proactively in our certified labs. Creating a procurement solution ahead of product shortages provides security and stability in the often uncertain and volatile semiconductor market.

Build Tailored Inventory Management Solutions That Fit Your Requirements

cclock customizes inventory-management programs as a hedge against shortage situations.  Creating a procurement solution ahead of product shortages provides security and stability in the often uncertain and volatile semiconductor market.

cclock is in the business of matching buyers and sellers of electronic components.  Utilizing the decades-long relationships we’ve built with key players in the technology industry, we procure quality parts for our customers.  Sourcing electronic components during shortage situations is one of cclock’s most essential capabilities.